For over 20 years, The Boston Harbor Association has taken students out to Deer Island to visit and tour the wastewater treatment plant and bring engagement into the subject of Environmental Science for area students. This fall, members of the TBHA staff will once again lead hundreds of students on this interactive learning exercise.
Students will have the opportunity hop a ride on the ferry provided by Mass Bay Lines from Rowes Wharf for Deer Island, and then join a staff-led tour of the facilities while receiving instructions and background of the historic island. Topics covered during the tour will often depends upon the students level of understanding, but will range from engineering, science, and mathematics. Often the history of the city of Boston and its city planning will be covered during the tours.
Harbor Bound is made possible by generous support of the Massachusettes Water Resource Authority, MIT Alums, Mass Environmental Trust and other federal and private grants. The Boston Harbor Association offers Harbor Bound tours twice a year: during the Fall and the Spring semesters.